The Problem

One of your users or members has been locked out of WordPress by the WordFence security plugin. 

They probably see this lockout screen when trying to login:

The Solution

1. Login to your WordPress site as an administrator.

2. Find the WordFence tab in the left-hand navigation within the WordPress admin area.

3. Mouse over the WordFence tab and click on the Blocking option.

4. Click on the IPs locked out from login tab.

You will see a screen like this:

5. Take note of the users who tried to login using a legitimate username such as their email or custom username (A).

Unlock these users by clicking on the unlock link (C).

6. Also take note of the users who are trying to login using an administrator's credentials (B).

In most cases, these are hackers or automated bots trying to gain admin access to your WordPress site.

Do not unlock these users.

7. Now repeat steps #4 through #6 for the other tabs in the screenshot above (IPs blocked from accessing the site and IPs throttled for accessing the site too frequently).


Article by Vic Dorfman

Founder - MemberFix,

Unlimited WordPress Membership Site

Insanely Fast WordPress Hosting, 100% Managed-For-You